Dacast’s Partners
Get access to the best of the streaming industry with Dacast
We want to offer you the best streaming experience possible at the best price. That’s why we’ve partnered with a selection of great companies so you can access a fully integrated streaming platform will all the tools you need.

Largest Content Delivery Network
Dacast is a NetAlliance partner with Akamai. This gives us access to a network of 240,000 servers worldwide to deliver your video content.

Video Encoding Services
Coconut.co handles transcoding of unsupported video file formats into the most popular types for optimal playback.

Cloud computing services
Dacast has built its infrastructure using AWS to offer you a stable and powerful streaming environment.

SRT Alliance
Low Latency Streaming
Dacast collaborates with Haivision, Wowza and all the members of the SRT Alliance, to find the best ways to offer low latency streaming solutions.

Video Monetization Platform
Dacast is integrated inside the Cleeng platform, allowing Dacast and Cleeng customers to launch paid live events in just a few clicks.

Cloud computing services
Dacast and InPlayer are working together to ensure professional publishers have access to high-quality monetization tools with the best streaming delivery.

Software & Hardware Encoder
Dacast is integrated into Telestream’s popular Wirecast encoder, allowing for quick login to start broadcasting.

Software Encoder
Directly access your Dacast live channels within the vMix software in just a few clicks.

HTML5 Player
Dacast has developed an upgraded, powerful HTML5 video player based on THEOplayer’s technology.

Software Encoder
Our partnership with VidBlasterX makes your live streaming setup with Dacast easier and faster.

OBS Studio
Software Encoder
Take advantage of the custom Dacast version of the free OBS Studio encoding sotware and start streaming in seconds.

Low-Latency Live Streaming
Edgio is one of the multiple powerful CDNs that Dacast uses to deliver the content.