What is the Best Audio Codec for Online Video Streaming?

What is the Best Audio Codec for Online Video Streaming Image

When it comes to delivering great online streaming, choosing the best audio bitrate for streaming is just as important as video quality. For most platforms, AAC (Advanced Audio Codec) is widely regarded as the industry standard. This is because of its excellent balance between quality and compression. When considering what is a good audio bitrate for streaming, a 128 kbps AAC bitrate is typically sufficient for casual streaming. However, for higher quality or professional streams, an AAC bitrate of 192 kbps to 256 kbps is recommended. This is especially the case for 1080p video when audio bitrate for 1080p is requird.

The types of audio codec available, such as AAC, MP3, and Opus, differ in terms of quality and efficiency. But AAC is often regarded as the best audio codec for streaming. Its AAC bitrate quality consistently offers superior sound, even at lower bitrates. Understanding the audio formats for video and which codec to use ensures an optimal streaming experience that delivers clear, crisp sound to your audience.

Table of Contents

  • What is an Audio Codec?
  • Common Audio Codecs
  • The SBC Codec
  • The Best Audio Codecs
  • Recommended Audio Bitrate for Streaming
  • Related Audio Encoding Settings
  • Video Codecs
  • Plus (Advantages)
  • Minus (Disadvantages)
  • FAQs
  • Conclusion

What is an Audio Codec?

audio codec for streaming

The word “codec” is short for “coder/decoder.”

The term codec is a portmanteau that combines the words “coder” and “decoder.” A codec is a standard tool for encoding and decoding multimedia files.

“RAW” or uncompressed audio files are recorded using techniques that capture as much audio data as soon as possible. This provides very high quality but results in very large file sizes that aren’t practical for live streaming platforms.

To make audio files smaller and easier to distribute, we use a codec.

The first thing a codec does is encode an audio file. This encoding involves tossing out extra information to reduce the file size in size while maintaining as much quality as possible. This process involves a sequence of complex mathematical functions.

The second role of a codec is decoding, which is essentially playing back an audio file that has previously been encoded. To make a complex process very simple, this means reversing the math done during the encoding step.

In short, an audio codec is a protocol for compressing digital audio to save space and for playing back with the video.

Common Audio Codecs

best codec

There are several common audio codecs for live streaming platforms available for use. However, MP3 and ACC are the most common.

There is a wide range of audio codecs for live streaming available today. However, not all audio codecs are equally supported by audio devices or video hosting sites.

Some devices may support one audio codec for live streaming, but not another. Some provide better quality, while others focus on compression above all else.

These are important considerations when it comes to deciding on the best audio codec for live streaming for a given situation. Let’s go over a few of the most common and best audio codecs for videos.

1. MP3

One of the most well-known audio formats live streamers use is probably MP3, which is technically called MPEG-2 Audio Layer III.

Originally introduced in the 1990s, MP3 revolutionized digital audio. Files were much smaller than the previous audio formats used, allowing them to be streamed as a live broadcast, downloaded over the internet, or viewed on streaming software.

MP3 also helped push the era of portable digital music past the CD era by enabling iPods and other early “MP3 players.” It is still widely used today.

MP3 is a widely used audio codec because it offers near-CD sound quality. This high-quality audio is made possible by shrinking the source audio file and removing the inaudible parts of the audio.

2. AAC

Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) was developed a few years after MP3 and is built on the success of the MP3 format but increased compression efficiency.

This audio codec for live streaming is designed to produce high-quality sounds at low bitrates.  AAC streaming generally provides better audio quality at the same bitrate as MP3 or comparable quality at lower bitrates.

AAC has been upgraded several times. The latest version of the standard is High Efficiency Advanced Audio Coding (HE-AAC). It is a closed-source format but is probably the most widely used audio codec for live streaming on the internet today. It is supported by most video streaming platforms


WAV, which is short for “Waveform Audio File Format,” was originally released more than 25 years ago. It is one of the oldest audio encoding formats and was created from a collaboration between Microsoft and IBM. 

This audio codec for live streaming is known to be primarily used on Windows computers to store uncompressed audio in the LPCM format. It is a flexible format that allows a file to have multiple channels with an unlimited number of bits per sample. Therefore, it is a good choice for multichannel broadcasting.


AIFF is a Mac format that’s similar to WAV. It stores uncompressed audio using the PCM (Pulse-Code Modulation).

Like WAV files, AIFF files are very large—around 10 MB for one minute of a standard audio recording.

5. WMA

Another codec on the market, albeit one that is becoming less common, is WMA—Windows Media Audio. This audio codec for live streaming was developed as an alternative to MP3 but has become somewhat of a niche product.

WMA is great for producing high-quality sound with low audio bitrates for streaming and it works best with Windows. It is one of the most commonly used codecs because it consists of four individual codecs, including WMA, WMA Voice, Lossless, and Pro.

6. Opus

The final audio codec for live streaming we’ll take a look at is Opus. Opus isn’t in wide use yet, but it’s considered a next-generation codec. It provides higher audio quality at all audio bitrates for streaming compared to every other codec listed here. Opus also has the added advantage of being royalty-free and open-source.

Both iOS and Android now natively support Opus playback. We’ll likely see Opus getting wider use in the future. 

Some other common audio codecs for live streaming platforms include LDAC, FLAC,  and ALAC. LDAC is Sony’s proprietary audio codec for video, which supports high-quality audio with low latency. FLAC and ALAC also offer high-quality audio output with no audio degradation.

The SBC Codec

The SBC codec (Low Complexity Subband Coding) is a common Bluetooth audio codec designed for efficient audio streaming over Bluetooth. It compresses audio data, enabling smooth playback, but at the cost of some audio quality, especially when compared to more advanced codecs like AAC. However, SBC is widely supported because of its simplicity and low power consumption. These factors make it ideal for everyday Bluetooth audio.

When comparing AAC vs SBC, AAC generally provides better sound quality, especially at lower bitrates. This makes it the recommended audio bitrate for streaming when quality is a priority. In contrast, SBC is more suitable for basic Bluetooth applications. For video streaming, AAC is often regarded as the best audio codec for video and the best audio format for streaming because of its higher fidelity. Understanding the role of an audio decoder, such as SBC or AAC ensures the best performance across different streaming audio formats and devices.

The Best Audio Codec

ACC is currently the best audio codec for live streaming platforms often used for professional broadcasting and live events.

We believe that AAC is the best audio codec for live streaming for most situations. It is a professional broadcasting audio codec that is supported by a wide range of devices and software platforms, including iOS, Android, macOS, Windows, and Linux. Other devices such as Smart TVs and set-top boxes also support AAC.

Besides wide support, AAC also has the advantage of better audio quality compared to MP3. Blind listening tests generally show that AAC is the best codec available for general use.

This may change in the future as Opus becomes more broadly supported. However, hardware and software changes move slowly. That day is likely still a few years away.

For internet video, AAC is the best audio codec for live streaming as well as video on demand. This is generally configured via settings in your hardware or software encoder

Recommended Audio Bitrate for Streaming

Bitrate refers to the amount of data contained in a digital media file per second of that media. Typically measured in Kbps (Kilobits per second), the audio bitrate for streaming can often be a stand-in for quality.

All else being equal, an AAC audio file that’s encoded at a bitrate of 192 Kbps will sound better than one encoded at 64 Kbps.

Our recommended audio bitrates for video, when using AAC, our recommendation for the best audio codec for a live streaming platform,  are as follows:

  • For 360p (low quality) video, use 64 Kbps audio bitrate
  • With 480p and 720p video, use 128 Kbps audio bitrate
  • For 1080p video, use 256 Kbps audio

Related Audio Encoding Settings

Aside from codecs, there are a number of other audio encoding settings that are important for the audio of any live stream, live event, live video, or video on demand

We’re going to briefly cover channels, audio sample rates, and video codecs.

Recommended Channels (Stereo vs. Mono)

You may also notice a live-streaming audio setting for channels in your audio encoding settings. There will be two settings here: stereo, and mono. Mono refers to “one,” a setting that should be used only for low-quality video. Using mono reduces audio bitrate for streaming

Generally, you should use stereo audio for all video recordings and broadcasts at 480p and above. Using live streaming platforms for audio mixing in this format will provide a superior listening experience for the live streamer, especially on a social media platform like YouTube.

Recommended Audio Sample Rate

The sample rate is another live-streaming audio setting related to audio quality. It simply refers to the number of audio measurements taken per second with a given recording. More samples per second will record a fuller, richer palette of tones, but will result in more data.

Generally, we recommend that you use 44100 Khz as the audio sample rate for all live streaming and online video. This is the standard for most audio equipment and recordings and will function perfectly, creating a better listening experience for live-stream viewers.

Video Codecs

h.264 Advanced Video Coding (AVC)

H.264, also known as MPEG-4 Part 10, is a video compression standard for high-definition digital video.

A live stream or online video requires more than the best audio codec settings. Obviously, video is crucial, advanced audio coding is as well.
That’s why it’s important to understand video codecs as well as audio codecs for live streaming. As such, we recommend using a H.264 video codec. For more on AVC, check out our guide on advanced video coding.
To learn more about the best video codec for HTML5 live streaming, this post’s video codec counterpart.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Audio Codecs for Video Streaming

Plus (Advantages):

1. MP3:
Widely supported and compatible with many devices

Works well for live events and broadcasts on social media platforms like YouTube Live, LinkedIn Live, etc.

Smaller file sizes compared to uncompressed formats, make it suitable for streaming and downloading over the internet.

Paved the way for the popularity of portable MP3 players.
2. AAC:
Offers better audio quality compared to MP3 at the same audio bitrate for streaming.
Supported by a wide range of devices and software platforms.
Efficient compression, balancing quality and file size.
3. WAV (LPCM):
 Uncompressed format retains the highest audio quality.
 Compatibility with Windows-based systems.
4. AIFF:
Similar to WAV, it maintains high audio quality with PCM encoding.
 Often used in Mac environments.
5. WMA:
An alternative to MP3, especially for Windows users.
 Offers a balance between audio quality and file size.
6. Opus:
 Next-generation codec with superior audio quality at all bitrates.
Royalty-free and open source, potentially leading to wider adoption.

Minus (Disadvantages):

1. MP3:
Lower audio quality compared to newer codecs like AAC and Opus.

May not be the best choice for high-quality audio streaming for talk shows, virtual meetings, YouTube videos, etc. using a mobile phone.

Setting an extremely low bitrate on an MP3 file may result in noise and crackling over your audio.
2. AAC:
Closed-source format, limiting customization options for developers.
3. WAV (LPCM):
 Large file sizes are impractical for online streaming and distribution of audio clips.
 Limited compatibility and cannot easily connect with non-Windows systems.
4. AIFF:
 Like WAV, it results in large file sizes.
5. WMA:
 Less common and becoming somewhat niche, reducing compatibility.
6. Opus:
 Limited current adoption, although this is expected to change over time.
Note: While these advantages and disadvantages provide a general overview, the choice of audio codec for live streaming should be based on specific streaming requirements and compatibility with the target audience’s devices and platforms.
Feel free to integrate this section into your blog article to provide readers with a balanced perspective on the different audio codecs available for video streaming.


1. What is an Audio Codec?

Q: What does the term “codec” stand for?

A: The word “codec” is a combination of “coder” and “decoder.” It is a standard tool used for encoding and decoding multimedia clip files.

Q: Why do we need audio codecs for video streaming?
A: Audio codecs are essential for compressing digital audio, making it more manageable for distribution while preserving quality. They also play a crucial role in decoding audio files during playback.

2. Common Audio Codecs

Q: What are some common audio codecs used for video streaming?
A: Common audio codecs include MP3, AAC, WAV, AIFF, WMA, and Opus. Each has its unique characteristics and use cases.
Q: Which audio codec is considered a next-generation codec and why?

A: Opus is considered a next-generation codec due to its superior audio quality at all bitrates and its status as royalty-free and open-source. It’s gaining wider support for various platforms.

3. The Best Audio Codec

Q: What is currently the best audio codec for professional broadcasting?
A: AAC (Advanced Audio Coding) is considered the best audio codec often preferred by live stream viewers. It offers wide device and software support, including iOS, Android, macOS, Windows, and Linux, and generally provides better audio quality compared to MP3.
Q: Could the best audio codec change in the future?
A: It’s possible that Opus could become more widely supported in the future, potentially altering the landscape. However, such changes typically occur gradually.

4. Recommended Audio Bitrate for Streaming

Q: What is audio bitrate, and how does it affect audio quality?
A: Audio bitrate refers to the amount of data in a digital audio file per second, which correlates with audio quality. Higher bitrates generally result in better audio quality.
Q: What are the recommended audio bitrates for different video quality levels?
A: For video streaming using AAC, it is recommended to use 64 Kbps audio bitrate for 360p video, 128 Kbps for 480p and 720p, and 256 Kbps for 1080p video.

5. Related Audio Encoding Settings

Q: What are some other important audio encoding settings to consider for video streaming?
A: Other crucial settings include stereo vs. mono channels, audio sample rates, and video codecs.
Q: When should I use stereo vs. mono audio channels?
A: Stereo audio is recommended for video recordings and broadcasts at 480p and above, as it provides a superior listening experience compared to mono.
Q: What is the recommended audio sample rate for live streaming and online video?
A: It is recommended to use a sample rate of 44100 KHz for all live streaming and online video, as it is the standard for most audio equipment and recordings.
Q: What video codec is recommended for video streaming?
A: H.264 (MPEG-4 Part 10) is recommended as the video codec for high-definition digital video streaming.

6. Why is an audio codec important?

Q: Why is audio quality important for live streaming?
A: High-quality audio is essential for an effective live streaming experience, and understanding audio codecs and related settings is crucial to achieving this.
Q: How can Dacast assist with live streaming?
A: Dacast offers a professional-grade platform and services to help businesses worldwide get started with live streaming. They provide a free 14-day trial for testing their feature-rich platform.

7. Audio codec comparison

Q. Which codec is better: AAC or LDAC?
A: Both AAC and LDAC are great audio codecs. However, if you have an IOS device, AAC will be a better fit, while Android devices work best with LDAC.
Q. Which audio codec has low latency?
A: LDAC has a low latency. This is why it’s a good choice for live video streaming and gaming.


To conclude, AAC (Advanced Audio Codec) is widely considered the best audio codec for online video streaming. Its efficient compression and high-quality output make it ideal for various platforms. It provides a great balance between file size and clarity. When looking at which audio codec is best, AAC continues to rank high due to its versatility and superior performance at a range of bitrates, especially for audio bitrate streaming in 1080p video where 192 kbps AAC audio bitrate is often recommended.

Understanding audio codec meaning and conducting an audio codec comparison is key to optimizing your streaming setup. While there are several audio streaming formats available, AAC stands out as the best audio format for video and the best audio encoder for most applications. Its compatibility with the best audio decoders ensures clear, crisp sound at an efficient streaming audio bitrate, enhancing the overall viewing experience

Did you know that Dacast helps businesses all over the world get started with live streaming? Our professional-grade platform and services can help you reach new heights using the power of live streaming. With our free 14-day trial, you can test-drive Dacast’s feature-rich platform and experience the benefits for yourself.

You can try Dacast and all its features for free today.


Thanks for reading. We love to hear from our readers, so if you have any questions or experiences to share, let us know in the comments. For regular tips on live streaming, feel free to join our LinkedIn group

Max Wilbert

Max Wilbert is a passionate writer, live streaming practitioner, and has strong expertise in the video streaming industry.