Ebook: A Complete Guide to The Flipped Classroom


Education is changing rapidly as modern technologies are increasingly influencing the way we teach. One study indicates that eighty-eight percent of universities reported findings that video increases student achievement levels. Other similar research has shown that video use in education can be highly effective. These outcomes are reflected among educators as well, with some two-thirds of teachers agreeing that online video education helps students to learn.

One major trend still on the rise is the use of flipped classroom video–a learning experiment is already proving to be radically effective for learning outcomes. With the rise of how-to video and free/paid online educational courses on a variety of platforms, there are more learners in the world than ever before. In both this modern learning environment and in more traditional classrooms, video can be a highly effective teaching and learning tool.

This eBook explores eLearning with a focus on flipped classroom video and educational video in general. We’ll review how video is affecting education, explain the flipped classroom model and how to implement it, and review key tips and features for video use in education. We’ll also provide a checklist to help you have success with your video for educational endeavors.

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Elise Furon

Elise is a digital marketer and an SEO expert. In 2019, she obtained the Google Analytics Advanced Certificate and the ClickMinded SEO Specialist Qualification.