A Major Evolution for your Dacast Live Streaming Channels in 2022

A Major Evolution for your Dacast Live Streaming Channels Image

Dacast would like to notify our customers that on May 1st, 2022, Akamai will be deprecating their RTMP ingest service. To avoid any inconvenience, Dacast has partnered with Limelight Networks to allow you to continue to use your current RTMP encoders while also providing dramatically reduced live streaming latency.

This means that Dacast customers using Akamai for their live streaming channels will need to create new channels using Limelight service in order to avoid disruption.

What are the consequences of this change for me as a customer ?

There won’t be any change to our quality of service, or any interruption in your live streaming channels. Dacast is designing a quick process for you to continue working normally with your channels in a few easy steps. We will shortly be releasing an easy in-app tool to help you convert your current Akamai channels to Limelight in a few easy steps without changing your player embed codes (unless you are using an m3u8 link).

It can be done when you are not live and will allow you to continue working normally with your channels in just a few minutes. As always, our 24×7 support team will be standing by ready to answer any questions and help you if needed. If you are using an m3u8 link, please contact us.

With this tool, you will be issued new credentials for your encoder. Once the new credentials are entered you will not need to replace your embed codes on your site – they will redirect to your new Limelight channel.

Is there any benefit to me as a user ?

The switch from Akamai RTMP ingest service to Limelight RTMP ingest service allows you to benefit from a 15-second latency time, instead of 45 seconds before. To take advantage of this new lower latency service, you can already start manually replacing your channels now. 

More information will be made available when our channel migration feature is released. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our support team. 

In the meantime, you can learn more about the concepts discussed in this article:

What is RTMP Ingest and Why is it Important for Live Streaming?

RTMP Server Hosting: What It Is and How to Access It

HLS Ingest: What It Is and How It’s Compatible with Streaming Software [2022 Update]

Is the Dacast Live Streaming Solution available in Canada?

Dacast Team