Configure Dacast Payment Settings in the New Video Platform


In this guide, we will walk you through the process of configuring your Dacast payment settings in the monetization feature of the new unified app. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Login to your Dacast account.
  2. Click on the “Paywall” option on the left side.
  3. Select “Settings”


This should bring you to the following page:

By default, “Card Purchases” is “On” and so is “Enable PayPal Purchases.” To change this, simply toggle to the left to turn it off.      

4. Check the box to agree to PayPal’s Terms User Agreement.      

5. If you are looking into using your own Terms of Service, you can upload one on the next option, as shown below:

 6. Input the name you want to appear in your viewer’s bank account reports/statements, under “Seller Name/Description”.      Dacast payment - Credit Card Statement

Please click “Save” once your payment settings have been entered.

Types of Monetization Available with Dacast

There are three methods of monetization offered by Dacast:


  • SVOD is a subscription-based method that allows viewers to have unlimited access to a video library for as long as their subscription lasts. Subscriptions are typically weekly, monthly or quarterly. This is a great monetization method if you have a large video-on-demand library. 
  • TVOD is most commonly known as pay-per-view. As the name suggests, viewers pay for what they want to watch. Pay-per-view is often used for one-time events, or for access to exclusive content for a limited period of time. 
  • AVOD refers to ad-based monetization. You have the option to serve ads on your content. Ads are funded by your advertisers, so rather than paying out of pocket for your content, your viewers pay for the content with a minute or so of their time.

Any questions or need help/access to this feature? Please contact us. Not yet a Dacast user, and interested in trying Dacast risk-free for 14 days? Sign up today to get started.

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Jose Guevara

Jose is a part of the Dacast Customer Onboarding team and started working with the company in 2016. He has vast experience in customer service/engagement and live streaming support.