The Ultimate Guide to Incorporating Streaming into Your Video Promotion Strategy

The Ultimate Guide to Incorporating Streaming into Your Video Promotion Strategy Image

Video content has become popular over the past few years, and there are no signs of it going back. However, while creating video content may seem complex, incorporating video into your marketing strategy shouldn’t be complicated as you think. With a little planning and some inspiration, you can create videos to capture and engage your target audience.  

So, before you capitalize on marketing videos for your business, it is crucial to make sure that you have a strategy in place. The strategy must appeal to your audience and be in line with your objective as a company. Video promotion simply means utilizing videos to market your products and services, and it can help educate your audience and increase their engagement on social media channels.

Besides, video marketing can increase conversions, show expertise, generate more traffic, and, more importantly, help you build trust with your audience. Therefore, if you are uncertain or plan to incorporate video content into your streaming video promotion strategy, the following guide will help you. 

This guide will cover some of the best ways to use or add video content to your marketing strategy,  and how live video can strengthen your marketing strategy. 

Table of Contents

  • 9 Steps to Creating a Successful Streaming Video Promotion Strategy
  • Using Live Streaming Video to Strengthen Your Marketing Strategy
  • Summing Up

Steps to Creating a Successful Streaming Video Promotion Strategy

streaming platform

There are numerous ways to market your business via videos. However, it’s crucial to determine the type of content suitable for your business. Also, your video content must align with your business’s purpose, the audience, and the streaming platform you choose to use. Keeping these factors in consideration will play a significant role in ensuring the success of your streaming video marketing strategy.

1. The purpose of the video

The initial step to creating a video promotion strategy for your business is listing your goals. Typically, you will want to have video content for each phase of the marketing funnel. However, before that, you must determine the most crucial phases for your audience.  What are your goals? Are you planning to spread awareness about new services or products? Or are you planning to share some insightful tips with your target audience?

  • Awareness: This stage allows you to define a problem to help customers realize they have a problem. This will help you attract customers and introduce your brand to them.
  • Consideration: The customer is now thinking about solving the problem they have. They want to explore, ask for suggestions, watch products assessments, and look for pocket-friendly solutions to their problems.
  • Decision: The customer has found an answer to their problem, and you want to remain their first choice. Show them your product and why it is the best solution. At this point, it’s important that you have proof of customer gratification.

The awareness stage video is significant, especially when your goal is to attract new clients to your brand. If you are almost closing a sale and want to grow your prospects, the decision stage video will help you. And the best part is that you can create video content to entertain customers that have already used your products or use an internal video to help inspire your team or train new workers.

2. The target audience

What is the use of video content if you don’t have a target audience? Who are you creating those videos for? Ensuring that your video content is reliable and relevant to your target demographic is vital. The content should also be applicable to their stage at the buying journey. Now that you have determined the stage you will be targeting and your goals, it is time to know who to direct the content toward.

The key to determining your target audience is to develop a buyer’s persona if you don’t have one. This can be done by evolving your services and products offerings – preferably the people you want to reach with your video content, as well as those you want to buy your products or services. Doing this will significantly help you know your target audience. Lastly, make sure you know your buyer’s persona, their stage within the marketing funnel, and where they hang out.

3. The story

Everyone loves good stories, especially when they reel them in and keep them on the edge of their chairs.  Thus, it is vital to note that adding stories to your video content can help increase viewer engagement. So, instead of talking about your company, the products and services, and your mission, it is advisable to look for ways to share stories with your videos.

But how do you determine the stories to share? This can be fun and, at the same time, the hardest part. Therefore, it would be best if you first outlined these four essentials to serve as a basis for the story you want to share:

  • A character with an objective: This is an individual that should align with your target audience
  • Conflict: Your customer’s problems
  • Mission: Present your products or services
  • Resolution: How your products or services will help get rid of their pain points

These rudiments should help you take your viewer on an expedition that will line up with your product mission. In addition, you should keep in mind the type of emotions you want your story to trigger. 

Do you want the viewers to feel motivated and happy, or do you want them to laugh? Whichever emotion you want to be triggered, think of it as you write the script to your video content. Every element in your video, including the props, colors, location, and wardrobe, should align with your mission. So, pick prudently.

4. The platform where the content will be posted

online video platform

Knowing who you want to reach with your streaming video promotion strategy is crucial. However, it is more important to know the video platforms they will be posted on. This will greatly help you develop a robust video marketing strategy

Besides, having this knowledge will help you optimize your video content for the particular online video platform they use. Remember that videos shared on social media platforms should be brief and engaging, and on the other hand, videos meant for YouTube can be long.

When uploading your video content, it will be good to include tags, written descriptions, and relevant titles. This will help you enhance your live video SEO and help users find your content easily.

5. The posting schedule

Having a posting schedule will help you stay organized and make sure you create video content in advance for future marketing campaigns. Viewers are always looking to find answers from the regular video content, so it is crucial to consider your video in terms of campaigns rather than posting them randomly. For instance, you can create a long story and break it into pieces that can be posted every week at a particular time. After you have determined the content you will share, it is time to create a posting schedule.

To create a posting schedule, you must know your target audience, what time they are online, and where they hang out. You should also familiarize yourself with how social media algorithms operate, plan your campaigns, and evaluate your performance. Remember that creating and maintaining a consistent posting schedule will help you maintain your audience.

You can also spread out your video content over time and utilize them to lead your target audience to a huge product launch or even an exciting statement. Keep employing new marketing campaigns according to your posting timetable to engage your viewers. You will establish your business as a groundbreaker in your niche by adding consistent and relevant video content to your marketing strategy.

6. Tutorials and demos

Live product demos and tutorials are among the best ways to increase sales. Tutorials and demos are excellent when it comes to showing viewers how your products or services work. This step will help guide your customers while at the same time building their trust with your brand. So, to create live product demos and tutorials, you need to have an engaging introduction that will hook your audience, remember to keep your video brief and interesting.

Next, outline the problems faced by your target audience and concentrate on them; you can motivate your viewers by talking about the effect of not solving the problem. Talk about the solution and how your products can help them get rid of their problem.

Don’t forget the Q&A part; besides, live product demos and tutorials are all about interaction. So, give your viewers some time to ask questions and for you to answer most of them.

7. Call to action

A call to action is usually the next step you want a viewer to take. The call to action can have a link to a product sale or tell the viewers to subscribe to a newsletter with product updates. The call to action should support the goals you set for your live stream. Therefore, it is important to determine your video’s call to action. It can be a social icon, another video’s thumbnail, a homepage URL, a ‘Click Here’ button, tune in next week, enter to win or subscribe.

These are technically explicit features; however, they will need more deliberation since you want to keep in mind the objectives of your live stream video and how you want your viewers to achieve them. Think about the viewer’s user experience and display your call to action in the minimum disruptive way thinkable. Never leave them unattended at the end of the broadcast.

8. Optimizing your live videos with SEO

live video seo

Knowing how to optimize your live videos is one of the most crucial things you can do for your live stream success. Live video Search Engine Optimization enhances your videos to improve their position in search engine results. Algorithms can view your videos to reflect their content while deciding the ranks. So, it is crucial to pay attention to what is going into your live videos if you want them to rank high on search engine result pages.

You must adapt your SEO strategy and keyword research to match the guidelines and requirements of the platform you are hosting the video content. But did you know that search engines index YouTube videos too? That way, when a potential customer searches your brand with a specific phrase, you get the chance to appear many times in a similar search. There are various things you can do to optimize your videos for SEO. For instance:

  • Pick the right platform for your videos
  • Create high-quality videos
  • Find relevant keywords you need to rank your video for
  • Optimize your metadata with the target keywords
  • Have engaging thumbnails
  • Have a dedicated page for your video content
  • Promote your videos in multiple channels

Besides, you can take advantage of features like the tagging feature in YouTube that determines the relevancy of your videos. Your video will then appear as related videos whenever a viewer watches something related or similar to your content.

9. Measure success

To have a successful streaming video marketing campaign, you must know and assess the efficiency of your marketing strategies. You should decide how you will assess goals based on performance. Remember that some video hosting platforms have analytics to help you know how your videos are performing.

You can take advantage of these analytics to know how often your videos have been watched and the number of visitors who clicked the play button. Also, you can know how many people share your videos. The following are some tips to help you know the most important metrics.

  • You want to enhance your brand awareness: This means you should pay more attention to the visibility of your video. Be on the lookout for metrics like views, impressions, and the number of distinct users you target to reach.
  • You want to affect consideration: You can determine if your content reaches the targeted demographic by using metrics like the average time spent watching and the percentage of your watched videos.
  • You want to drive action: To achieve this, you must concentrate on metrics like online sales, clicks, phone calls, and any other action that is crucial to your business.

Alternatively, you can add videos to your marketing strategy and monitor the metric results on Google Analytics.

Using Live Streaming Video to Strengthen Your Marketing Strategy

broadcast live video

Intense arguments, comedy, classes, and car races feel more interesting only when they are live. Live streaming videos usually indulge viewers, and it is quickly becoming a major strategy in marketing campaigns, especially since they are easy to produce and promote.

Live streaming will allow you to add value for your audience and increase experience efficiently. So, if you are looking for means to connect with your audience in real-time, live streaming is your best chance. It is the best solution to engage and share your product story.

Live streaming encourages engagement

If you are looking to increase engagement, use live stream videos. Remember that even if people have a short attention span, live videos get viewed a lot more than pre-recorded ones. This is mainly because viewers can engage and contribute in real-time. Besides, live stream videos can be shared easily, so you can use them to attract new customers organically.

It helps you build trust with viewers

Various studies have proven that customers like buying goods and services from brands they trust. Thus, live streaming can help you build that. This is achieved by engaging viewers more transparently and authentically. Videos offer a more human element that gives a face to your content, something that you cannot achieve through writing and other social media plans. A good example of how a live stream video can help you build trust with your customers is when you broadcast your fitness and exercise classes to show your viewers every step. Besides, you can also use live streaming to make updates, demos, and announcements, live events, host interviews, and improve employee engagement.

Improve brand awareness

One main element of live streams is to give the personality and flair you want your company to be connected with, a significant element of your brand identity. Live streaming is changing how companies attract customers. Also, customers are looking forward to live stream videos at each step of the deliberation course. To meet the growing demand for clients, you need a video platform for marketing.

Summing Up

Video marketing is growing in popularity, and it would be best to add it to your marketing strategies as soon as now. Your target audience is waiting for you to give them what they are looking for. 

Therefore, be a storyteller, use tutorials and demos, know the purpose of your video, know where to post it, have an excellent call to action, optimize your video for SEO, and don’t forget to measure the success.  

If you’re ready for a professional-grade hosting platform for live and VOD content, we think Dacast is a great option to try. We offer a range of features that businesses love (think video monetization, ad insertion, live streaming mobile apps, and more) at a competitive price. But don’t take our word for it. You can try our 14-day free trial (no credit card required) to test it out yourself. We’d love to help you get started with our live streaming today!

Get Started For Free

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For exclusive offers and regular live streaming tips, you can also join our LinkedIn group. Thanks, and good luck with your broadcasts!

Max Wilbert

Max Wilbert is a passionate writer, live streaming practitioner, and has strong expertise in the video streaming industry.