The Ultimate Guide to LinkedIn Live: How to Go Live on LinkedIn

The Ultimate Guide to LinkedIn Live_ How to Go Live on LinkedIn Image

LinkedIn is the top social media platform for professionals. It is a place to build your network and connect with others. While it started as a platform to create a digital Rolodex, LinkedIn has evolved to become so much more.

LinkedIn is now used to share a wide variety of content, including resumes, files, images, essays, and more. The site recently rolled out LinkedIn Live, an exclusive tool for hosting live streaming events.

In this post, we are going to cover everything you need to know about LinkedIn Live. We will discuss what this new tool on LinkedIn is and how it works. From there, we’ll provide an in-depth tutorial on how to go live on LinkedIn. To wrap things up, we’ll discuss some tips for making your LinkedIn Live stream a success.

Table of Content

  • What is LinkedIn Live?
  • Who Qualifies for LinkedIn Live?
  • Benefits for Streaming on LinkedIn Live
  • How to Go Live on LinkedIn 
  • Best Types of Streams for LinkedIn Live
  • Tips for Success: Best Practices for LinkedIn Live
  • Final Thoughts

What is LinkedIn Live?

linkedin live
LinkedIn Live is a valuable tool for businesses that are looking for a fresh way to connect with their audience.

LinkedIn Live is an exclusive tool for streaming live video to an audience on LinkedIn, and it is one of the platform’s Marketing Solutions. As opposed to the Twitch streaming platform, at this time, brands must apply for access to LinkedIn live.

As its WebRTC based competitor, Zoom, LinkedIn is a communication platform used to connect business professionals. LinkedIn Live is most valuable for B2B businesses or those that are trying to garner support in the professional space.

One important thing to note about going live on LinkedIn Live is that the live streaming platform prohibits selling or promoting an offer during a stream. That means that you can use LinkedIn live to build a community or to increase brand awareness, but you cannot make any direct sales pitches.

However, users can include logos of sponsors in streams, as long as the logos are presented tastefully.

Who Qualifies for LinkedIn Live?

As we discussed, LinkedIn Live is still an exclusive feature, and access to LinkedIn Live is available on an application basis.

The criteria for accessing LinkedIn Live include:

  • Have at least 150 followers or connections
  • Have previously shared original content on LinkedIn (posts, photos, etc.)
  • Are in good standing with LinkedIn according to Professional Community Policies
  • Cannot be based in China

Please note that not every application is accepted. 

Benefits for Streaming on LinkedIn Live

Live streaming on LinkedIn is a bit different than streaming on other social media platforms. The nature of LinkedIn as a live streaming platform is certainly beneficial on its own, but the exclusivity of the live streaming feature brings even more value.

LinkedIn says that live videos on its platform get 7x more reactions and 24x more comments than posts with prerecorded videos. That is a significant boost in engagement. With the way that LinkedIn’s algorithm works, higher engagement makes your content appear on more users’ feeds.

Another benefit of streaming on LinkedIn Live is that it allows you to tap into a targeted audience of professionals. Also, since live streaming on LinkedIn is more exclusive than streaming on Facebook or YouTube, you don’t have to worry as much about your streaming getting lost in the sea of many others.

How to go Live on LinkedIn 

how to go live on linkedin
You can start streaming on LinkedIn Live in just six steps.

Going live on LinkedIn is much like going live on any platform. However, since this tool is still quite exclusive, there are a few extra hoops that streamers must jump through.

Let’s review how to go live on LinkedIn in six steps.

1. Set Up Your Profile or Page on LinkedIn

Before you apply for access or configure your streaming setup, you must create a LinkedIn account.

If you are planning to stream from a personal profile, you can just set up your profile as prompted after you create an account. You’ll be instructed to add different information about yourself and your professional experience.

If you’re planning to stream from a page, you’ll have to create one. You can create a page by going to “Work” in the top right corner of the desktop site, and choosing “Create a Company Page.” From there, you will be prompted to fill in various information about your company.

2. Review the Live Video Access Criteria

Before you apply, check that you meet the qualifications for streaming on LinkedIn Live. This includes the list of criteria that we discussed above relating to audience base, recent content sharing, and so forth.

Please check out LinkedIn’s Live Video Acess Criteria for the complete list of official rules and regulations.

3. Submit Your Application

Once you’re sure that you meet the qualifications for live streaming on LinkedIn, it is time to submit your application.

The application is very simple. If you are already logged into LinkedIn, you just have to submit an alternate email, indicate whether you want to stream as a member or a page, and paste the URL of your profile or page.

In addition to the criteria required for approval, LinkedIn has some other suggestions for applicants, including:

  • Make sure the Article and Activity sections of your profile are on “Public”
  • Enable two-factor authentication
  • Make sure that all of the content published on your LinkedIn page or profile is professional and respectful

Most application statuses are updated within three to four business days to state whether or not you’ve been granted access.

Also, please note that not every LinkedIn Live application is accepted.

4. Choose a Streaming Solution

Once your application has been accepted and you’ve been granted access to LinkedIn Live, it is time to start preparing your streaming setup. Streaming on LinkedIn Live requires the support of a dedicated streaming solution with RTMP ingest.

Dacast is a great solution for supporting a streaming setup like this. However, you can also choose from one of LinkedIn’s preferred partners, including Vimeo, StreamYard, and others.

Broadcasters can also stream with a custom RTMP server, but this is significantly more technical and complex than using a streaming solution.

Check out our comparison of the top 21 live streaming solutions to see how Dacast compares to the other offerings on the market.

5. Configure Your Broadcaster Settings

Next, configure your broadcaster settings. You’ll be prompted with setup instructions once your application has been accepted.

LinkedIn does not provide further instruction other than to visit their Resource Hub if you are having any issues 

6. Start Streaming

Once you have your broadcasting settings properly configured, it is time to start streaming. Your first stream might be a little nerve-wracking, especially if you’re not used to speaking in front of a live audience.

Your audience will feed off of your energy, so try to remain positive and energetic. Also, remember to stay in the moment and enjoy the experience.

For some general information on setting up a live stream, check out our dedicated live stream setup guide.

Best Types of Streams for LinkedIn Live

linkedin live video
The possibilities are endless when it comes to the types of streams you can host on LinkedIn Live.

LinkedIn Live can be used to host different types of streams. You can get creative with how you use live streaming for your brand.

Some types of streams you could host include:

  • Special Events: Host virtual events to get your audience involved
  • Guest Interviews: Bring industry experts in to share valuable information with your viewers and increase engagement
  • Product Demos: Showcase your brand’s innovations and technology 
  • Behind the Scenes: Give your community a peek at your company’s operations to give them an idea of your company culture
  • Audience Q&As: Open the floor to let members of the audience ask questions about your industry or your brand

Tips for Success: Best Practices for LinkedIn Live

live stream to linkedin
Make the most of live streaming on LinkedIn by using these best practices.

If you’re allowed to stream on LinkedIn live, it is a good idea to do what you can to maximize your impact.

Here are a few best practices to keep in mind for live streaming on LinkedIn.

Come Prepared

While you don’t want your stream to come across as scripted, it is a good idea to have an outline of the topics you’d like to cover in your stream. Create a bulleted list that includes the main points you’d like to cover or any specific references you’d like to make.

Some other ways to be prepared for a live stream are to have water on hand in case you get thirsty and to use the restroom before the stream starts so that you don’t have any interruptions.

Stay Engaged

Staying engaged on your live streams is major. If you aren’t fully present, you’ll lose the attention of your viewers, and it will be much harder to make a real impact.

A great way to stay engaged and keep your audience equally engaged is to open up a dialogue. Talk to your viewers as if you were on a Zoom meeting call with them. Ask open-ended questions to get the viewers thinking.

Try not to get distracted by things outside of the stream. For example, try to have any notes on paper rather than on your phone so your mind isn’t occupied by incoming notifications. Turn off any alarms you have set, and remove any other distractions from the room that you’re streaming in.

Follow the Guidelines

LinkedIn Live has some very specific rules for streaming on the site. Since streaming on LinkedIn is a privilege, it is wise to carefully follow the guidelines so that your access is not revoked.

A few of the top guidelines include:

  • Don’t go live more than one time per day
  • Host streams that are longer than 10 minutes
  • Go live within 60 days of receiving access
  • Don’t incorporate any pre-recorded content
  • Don’t use your live stream to sell or promote an offer

Stay Consistent

The best way to build a loyal community around your brand is to stay consistent. Go live regularly to check in with your connections and open up engaging conversations. Staying consistent with your streams will help position your brand in a way that feels welcoming and reliable.

Even if you intend to stream a one-time event, tap into the other features of LinkedIn to stay connected with your audience. 

Final Thoughts

LinkedIn Live is a powerful tool for many brands. It allows them to connect with a professional audience in a way that is meaningful and engaging.

As we discussed, streaming with LinkedIn Live requires the support of an RTMP-compatible online video platform. If you are in search of an OVP to support your LinkedIn Live streams Dacast could be an option for you.

Our platform is automatically set up with RTMP ingest, so you don’t have to worry about any pesky or technical configurations. Simply connect Dacast to LinkedIn, and you’ll be ready to start streaming.

Try Dacast risk-free for 14-day to see how seamlessly it can flow with your LinkedIn Live streaming setup. Sign up today to start your free trial. No credit card or binding contract is required.

Get Started for Free

For regular tips on live streaming and exclusive offers, we invite you to join our LinkedIn group.

Emily Krings

Emily is a strategic content writer and story teller. She specializes in helping businesses create blog content that connects with their audience.