The 15 Best VOD Platforms: What You Need to Know in 2024

VOD Streaming – What It Is and How It Works with OTT Image

The video-on-demand (VOD) industry has exploded in recent years. People’s appetites for video-on-demand streaming and subscription video are at an all-time high. One recent report has found that people’s video-on-demand viewing through a VOD platform has grown 155% year-on-year, live streams and viewing up 93% and the average viewing time per session is 26.4 mins.

Savvy businesses have caught on to this rapidly growing trend. VOD services are in such demand that the video streaming market is predicted to grow by $149.96 billion in the next two years. By 2030, so many people will be video streaming that the market is then predicted to be worth a whopping $330.51 billion.

You’ve heard the term video-on-demand. You know VOD streaming platforms are booming. But you want to understand what video-on-demand is, what it offers, and why it’s so popular today. And, if you’re a business, you want to know what the potential is for broadcasters and content creators. You might also ask, what tools and skills will I need to implement video-on-demand to better my business?

Video-on-demand is revolutionary in that there’s equally great potential for both businesses and the entertainment industry. For example, viewers are more likely to engage with brands through video. After all, we’re visual creatures, and the power of video holds tremendous sway. This means that businesses in particular can benefit from video-on-demand content. This is especially true for online videos such as on websites where VOD streaming continues to expand.

In this article, we’re reviewing the top 15 video-on-demand platforms for on-demand video hosting. We’ll compare the best on the market today. We’ll detail the key features, price plans and help you choose the best video-on-demand platforms for your business.

Please note that the Dacast team has updated this comparison by adding 5 more platforms for a total of 15. We’ve also implemented vast improvements and version updates to our own VOD platform technology in 2024 and have even more planned for the future. 

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

  • What is VOD?
  • How Does Video-on-Demand Work?
  • Why Professionals Use VOD
  • Benefits of VOD Streaming for Businesses
  • What is a Video-on-Demand Hosting Platform?
  • Live Streaming vs. VOD
  • Top VOD Platform Features
  • The 15 Best VOD Platforms and Providers in 2024
  • How to Select the Right VOD Platform For You?
  • Conclusion

What is VOD?

VOD stands for video-on-demand. Video-on-demand allows you to access content from an online video library whenever you want to. You don’t have to wait for your favorite show to air at a specific time, or wait for a movie to come on the air. 

With video-on-demand, your audience gets to access videos when they want, on any compatible device. Viewers have come to expect video libraries to offer VOD access. 

VOD streaming content is generally previously recorded, and not broadcast in real-time. VOD content was pre-created and added to the platform. However, you can also turn your live streams into VOD content. 

A few common examples of streaming services that use the VOD model include:

  • Netflix
  • Hulu
  • Disney+
  • Prime Video

VOD platforms use OTT streaming. OTT streaming means that you can access the content over the internet, instead of through a traditional cable television or satellite subscription.

How Does Video-on-Demand Work?

Video on demand software
Video-on-Demand (VOD) platforms can be useful for businesses and organizations of any type to host videos online.

How it Works for Your Audience

For your audience, video-on-demand is pretty simple. Your audience can access your video library, and choose whatever video they want to watch, whenever they want to. 

Some VOD libraries are free and others require a log-in. Some VOD run advertisements and others charge for access. 

VOD platforms give your viewers the freedom and flexibility to watch your video content when they want to. 

How it Works Behind the Scenes for Your Business

Online VOD is powered by OTT technology. OTT technology uses streaming protocols, which compress and then decompress your video files, allowing them to be streamed over the internet. VOD streaming services take care of this for you.

Ideally, you are also going to want to work with a VOD service that helps keep your content organized, using video tags and descriptions to make it easy to find your content.  

Different Uses for VOD Platforms

Many different streaming services, such as Netflix, Hulu, and Disney+ all use VOD. However, providing access to entertaining content isn’t the only purpose of VOD content. VOD content can be used for: 

  • Entertainment
  • Education
  • Training

Businesses can use their online video content library to host internal training content. Schools can use VOD libraries to host presentations, lectures, and other pre-recorded live content. VOD libraries can help enhance the remote learning process. 

VOD platforms allow for sharing pre-created and curated content. Live streaming is often less polished, as it doesn’t go through the same editing process since it is shared in real-time. 

Why Professionals Use VOD

There are many uses for VOD streaming in businesses, schools, and other professional organizations.

It is used to:

There are endless uses for VOD streaming services.

The use cases listed above are simply the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the benefits of VOD streaming. Here are some industry trends that capture the true value of on-demand video content:

  • 27% of internet users watch more than 10 hours of video online each week
  • 86% of businesses incorporate video content in their marketing strategies
  • Websites with video content keep users’ attention longer than sites without any video content
  • 50% of people look for a video of a product before making a trip to the store to buy it
  • Video content retains a brands message better than text, photos, and other static content

Check out our dedicated streaming statistics post to learn more about what is going on in the online streaming space. VOD media is just one type of video content you can share online. 

Benefits of VOD Streaming for Businesses

There are a wide variety of benefits to using VOD streaming for your business content, including:

  • Connectivity: Modern technology allows your content to always be available to your users whenever they want to watch it and on whatever device they have at hand. This gives you a greater opportunity to have your videos seen, and you can even promote videos that are years old to get new views.
  • Polished final product: Pre-recorded content can be edited, re-recorded, and perfected before any of your viewers ever see it. This allows you to put out the best representation of your brand and your content as possible, maintaining your brand’s image in the public eye.
  • Widely adaptable: For industries where live streaming isn’t mandatory, VOD can be highly beneficial in providing consumers access to content. You have more control over what your viewers see, and they can view your content on their own schedules.

When it comes to video on demand vs streaming, there are some distinct advantages that come with using video on demand, such as a more polished final product, wide adaptability, and increased connectivity and access.

What is a Video-on-Demand Hosting Platform?

To create a VOD library, broadcasters use VOD hosting software. This allows you to store and manage your on-demand video content. There are both consumer-grade and professional-grade VOD hosting platforms for businesses

One of the most popular free video hosting platforms is YouTube. However, YouTube’s features are not the best for professional use. Most free platforms, such as Facebook and DailyMotion, also have the same limitations. 

A few limitations of free video hosting platforms include: 

  • Outside branding
  • No brand customization 
  • Content restrictions
  • Limited monetization options
  • No API access

Free video hosting platforms work for independent creators, such as vloggers and “YouTubers”. However, if you want to create a secure and stable VOD platform that you have complete control over, you’ll want to look for a professional-grade solution. 

A professional video hosting platform includes additional tools that allow you to create a more on-brand experience for your audience. 

If you want access to professional-grade tools, you need to work with a professional video-on-demand service.

Live Streaming vs. VOD

While live streaming and VOD are both methods of online video delivery, you cannot have live to VOD streaming without first recording live content.

VOD is, at its core, a method for viewing pre-recorded video content. You can — and should, for maximum video monetization opportunities — record live streaming content for later access on a VOD solution. Recording your content for later use with VOD distribution allows you to maximize your reach and more completely monetize your content. It shouldn’t be about streaming vs VOD, you should use both video methods.

While you can choose to leverage both live streaming and VOD content for your business, that you select streaming platform that can capably handle both distribution methods. Having a unified platform allows you to save time, money, and frustration in dealing with multiple distribution methods, making your job easier in the long run.

Top VOD Platform Features

All individual VOD hosting platforms have their own suite of VOD features and additions, but there are a few things to look for in a quality professional-grade VOD hosting platform:

  1. Video CMS
  2. VOD transcoding
  3. Video monetization
  4. White-label video player
  5. Video privacy and security

These features make it easier to store and organize your videos and allow your viewers the most access to your content when they’re ready to sit down and watch.

Let’s dive in and explore exactly what these features are so that you can better compare and find the right VOD platform provider for your business.

1. Video CMS

As your video library grows, you are going to need a system for keeping track of all that content, which is where a video content management system or video CMS comes into play. 

With a video CMS, you will be able to tag your videos and use those tags to create categories and subcategories of your content. That will make it easier for both you and your viewers to find content. 

Video tagging can also allow you to create smart playlists. Smart playlists are used to recommend content to the viewer based on what they just watched. They are a great way to keep viewers engaged with your content. More engagement helps to increase the impact and value of your content.

2. VOD Transcoding

Different methods of viewing videos require different file sizes. What works great on a desktop computer won’t always work as well for a mobile device, and vice versa.

With VOD transcoding, your professional-grade on-demand content platform allows your users to automatically view videos at the highest quality that will perform best for their internet connection. This enables those videos to perform their best on a variety of devices without you having to create each file type manually. This huge time saver makes working with a VOD streaming service worth it. 

Just create one group of encoder settings and the transcoder does the rest, giving your users the most optimized file type for the device they’re using to view your content. That helps deliver the best viewing experience, something you want when you’re paying for VOD hosting. 

3. Video Monetization

If you are using video as part of your business’s revenue stream, you need to find a VOD hosting platform that offers a monetization method that fits your business plan. 

However, depending on your business model, not all of your content hosted on your VOD platform needs to or should be monetized.

You can host some content internally, such as training videos, and host other content publicly, such as webinars, entertainment content, educational videos, and podcasts, that you may want to monetize. 

With video monetization, there are three main models to monetize your content:

  • SVOD
  • TVOD
  • AVOD

SVOD – Subscription Video-on-Demand

SVOD monetization operates similarly to traditional television packages: Consumers pay a subscription fee and they can watch as much content as they want. But SVOD monetization models have one big advantage over TV: viewers get to pick what they want to stream. Unlike watching whatever’s being broadcasted on TV.

Modern streaming solutions that operate on the SVOD model include Netflix, Hulu, and Disney+, where users pay a set price per month to consume as much content as they desire.

This model gives viewers a level of flexibility that many appreciate, allowing them to scale their subscription plans up or down based on their individual anticipated usage.

If you notice you aren’t using your channel subscription as much as you anticipated, for example, you can simply cancel the subscription without paying an early termination fee. This offers greater flexibility and choice for users but does pose some challenges to content creators who may feel more pressure to provide valuable content to “prove” their worth to those subscribers.

Dacast, for example, offers an integrated paywall that suits a variety of subscription-based needs, such as offering access to content with an event ticket or monthly. This paywall allows you to offer video previews to help you get more subscriptions, provide unlimited coupon codes, and more to help this monetization model meet your individual needs.

TVOD – Transactional Video-on-Demand

With TVOD, users pay a set price per piece or series of content, and then they receive access to view that content. TVOD is the industry standard for pay-per-view streaming. There are two subcategories of TVOD content – electronic sell-through (EST), where you pay once and gain permanent access to the content, and download to rent (DTR), where you pay to get access for a limited amount of time.

A mainstream example of the TVOD monetization model is Amazon Prime Video. Users can pay a fee to purchase permanent access to a piece of content, and that content can be downloaded or watched through the Amazon Prime account where the content was purchased.

For a smaller fee, users can rent that same piece of content, and they gain access to it for either a limited period of time or a limited amount of views, whichever comes first.

This model often provides access to more recent content, such as the latest releases in movies or documentaries, operating similarly to a modern-day video rental store. TVOD offers higher revenues to content creators, as users pay for each piece of content individually.

AVOD – Advertising-Based Video-on-Demand

AVOD differs from TVOD and SVOD in one major way: access to AVOD content is free to consumers. However, in exchange for free access to content, users have to sit through advertisements. The best modern example of AVOD is YouTube, which inserts advertisements at different intervals in videos that provide revenue for both the platform and its creators.

The drawback to AVOD is that it often provides lower revenues for creators, as advertising is usually paid on a per-view or impression basis at very low rates. However, the model is highly attractive to consumers who can access nearly unlimited content for free but just have to put up with advertisements every so often.

With professional VOD platforms, you can choose the advertising network you work with, or you can add your own advertising from custom-selected partners. You control which advertisements play on your videos, and the revenue you earn from them.

4. White-Label Video Player

Many content creators are drawn to platforms such as YouTube because the system is already set up for them. They don’t have to figure out how to create their own VOD hosting platform before they can begin distributing their content. Plus, it’s free! But this system has drawbacks.

Utilizing YouTube or other non-white-label VOD platforms means you’re at the mercy of that platform when it comes to how your content is distributed. Your videos will always carry the VOD platform’s logo, and you may be limited to the ability to embed and share videos on your website or social media platforms.

Finding a VOD hosting platform that has a white-label solution, on the other hand, gives you all the ease of use of a third-party platform, but with more flexibility. White-label hosting allows your content to blend in better on your website as well.

You can remove the third-party branding from the video player, putting your logo and branding on everything. White-label platforms also allow you to easily embed the video player right onto your website, with your branding, and share it on your social platforms such as Twitch or Linkedin Live.

This creates continuity for your brand that you won’t find with many other third-party VOD hosting platforms and shows your customers that you’re serious about the content you provide. This allows you to provide your viewers with the best viewing experience.

5. Video Security

Security is one of the main reasons broadcasters choose VOD platforms for their videos. Video-on-demand platforms protect your video content from the time it’s uploaded to the time a user views it is crucial.

With HTTPS uploading and delivery, you know that your data—and your customer’s data—is secure. Your users can see the lock icon in the address bar, so they know they won’t be hit with malware and hackers when they view your content.

You also want to be able to restrict specific domains or IPs, preventing them from becoming the target of spammers and pirates.

With domain restriction, your content will only play on specific domains, so if someone tries to embed the video content on a restricted domain, the content will not play. With geographical restrictions, you can control the countries and IP addresses where your content is played. 

If you offer subscriptions to your users, you need to be able to give them exclusive and safe access to the content they’re paying for.

With password protection integration, you can require a password to view your content, protecting your revenues but giving your subscribers access to the videos they want to watch.

If you accept payments from viewers’ subscriptions or pay-per-view access, you will want to offer SSL security, keeping their financial information safe.

The 15 Best VOD Platforms and Providers in 2024

We have rounded up our list of VOD platforms to make choosing the correct one easier for you. Here are 15 video-on-demand platforms for VOD demand streaming. This is a comprehensive list of different VOD platforms so you can find the best one for you. 

Please keep in mind that not every broadcaster needs every tool or feature. The most important thing to consider when choosing a VOD hosting platform is seeing all of the options side-by-side, which will make it easier for you to review their pricing and features.

With this in mind, let’s dive into the top VOD video-on-demand platform providers, features, and pricing for video hosting.

1. Dacast

Dacast Online Video Hosting Provider

Dacast is a powerful video hosting platform for live and on-demand content, which was designed for professionals.

Dacast is a unified streaming solution with both VOD hosting and live streaming setup functions. It offers a variety of advanced online video hosting features. These advanced features include video monetization, top-notch security, video API global video delivery, and top-tier video delivery.

Although this hosting and on-demand video streaming platform provider are loaded with so many powerful features, Dacast manages to keep prices pretty competitive. 

It is best suited for enterprise businesses and other professional organizations that aim to host high-quality video broadcasts, both live and on-demand.

Video Encoding

Video Hosting and Library Organization

Uploading / Migration

Video Monetization

  • Integrated white-label paywall built-in
  • Pay-per-view (TVOD) support
  • Subscriptions (SVOD) support
  • Advertising (AVOD) support
  • Coupon codes and packages to sell bundled content

API Access 

Security Features

Newest Features and Updates

Upload Guidelines and Specs

  • Minimum dimension: none (but 240p is the recommended minimum)
  • Maximum dimension: 1080p or 4K (depends on the user’s hardware and internet)
  • Video aspect ratio: no restrictions (but 16:9 is the default)
  • Max file size: none
  • Max video length: none
  • Total file storage: 10-1000GB (depends on plan)
  • Compatible video formats: MP4 (preferred), MOV, M4V, M2V, AVI, MPG, FLV, WMV, MKV, WEBM, OGV, MXF, ASF, VOB, MT


Dacast has multiple live-streaming pricing plans for organizations of all sizes and budgets. Here is a quick summary of all plans:

  • Starter Plan: $39/month (includes 1,000 GB of bandwidth & 50 GB of storage)
  • Event Plan: $63/month (includes 6 TB of bandwidth upfront and 50 GB of storage)
  • Scale Plan: $188/month (includes 24 TB of bandwidth per year and 1 TB of storage)
  • Custom plan: Contact us for custom pricing plans

Dacast is one of the most comprehensive VOD platforms with live streaming capabilities. To learn more about advanced video hosting, video transcoding, unlimited live channels and other custom options, reach out to Dacast’s support team.

Best Use Cases:

2. VPlayed

VPlayed is a VOD streaming platform with a wide range of professional features.

VPlayed is a VOD platform from Contus that offers solutions for broadcasters in every industry. This platform sells plans that are custom-priced to suit each user’s needs. 

Video Encoding:

  • Cloud transcoding
  • Automatic transcoding upon upload
  • Scalable streaming
  • Multi-platform support 

Video Hosting and Library Organization:

  • Professional management tools
  • Video categorization
  • User management
  • Video scheduling

Uploading / Migration:

  • Smart uploading (automatic transcoding)
  • “Clutter-free” upload 

Video Monetization:

  • Ad-based monetization
  • Subscription-based monetization 
  • Pay-per-view monetization.

API Access:

VPlayed doesn’t provide API access.

Security Features:

  • End-to-end content protection 
  • DRM
  • SSO
  • SSL
  • Dynamic watermarks
  • Password protection


  • No API access
  • Limited analytics and reporting
  • Limited engagement tools

Upload Guidelines and Specs:

  • Minimum dimension: Not available
  • Maximum dimension: Not available
  • Aspect ratio: Not available
  • Max file size: Unlimited
  • Max video length: Not available
  • Total file storage: Unlimited
  • Compatible video formats: MP4, 3GP, MOV, MPEG-TS, MPEG-2 PS, MPEG1, and more


VPlayed offers entirely customized plans, so interested contact their sales team directly for additional information. VPlayed is a VOD streaming service that offers you the monetization options you need.

3. Muvi

Muvi VOD platform
Muvi is known for its customizability and monetization tools.

Muvi is a feature-rich, flexible video platform. If you need high-end features and have a large budget, Muvi could be right for you. 

Muvi’s most popular feature is its wide range of monetization tools. This is appealing to organizations that set out to make money on their video content with ads, subscriptions, or pay-per-view models.

Video Encoding

  • Support for multi-bitrate streaming
  • Adaptive video player
  • Cloud encoding
  • Automatic transcoding with support up to 4K resolution

Video Hosting and Library Organization

  • VOD hosting and live streaming
  • Categories and subcategories for organization
  • Tags for further sub-organization
  • Playlists
  • 24/7 support available for high-end customers

Uploading / Migration

  • Bulk upload tool
  • Dropbox upload
  • Video library migration
  • Support for audio and image files in addition to video

Video Monetization

  • SSL secure paywall built-in
  • Pay-per-view (TVOD) support
  • Subscriptions (SVOD) support
  • Advertising (AVOD) support
  • Customer loyalty program (allow your viewers to redeem points for free content)

API Access

  • Full video API included
  • SDKs for iOS and Android development 

Security Features

  • AES encryption and/or DRM
  • Domain restrictions
  • IP restrictions
  • HTTPS delivery

Muvi Limitations

  • No password protection for videos
  • High price point

Upload Guidelines and Specs:

  • Minimum dimension: 144p (256 x 144)
  • Maximum dimension: 4K (3840  x2160)
  • Aspect ratio: 16:9, 4:3
  • Max file size: not available
  • Max video length: not available
  • Total file storage: 1TB, 2TB, 5TB (depending on plan)
  • Compatible video formats: MP4, MOV, MKV, FLV, VOB, M4V, AVI, 3GP, MPG


Muvi has five different pricing plans:

  • Standard: $399/month (+ $299/month per app + infra fees), allows 2000 concurrent viewers, 1TB of bandwidth, 1 TB of storage, and API access.
  • Professional: $1,499 per month (+ $499/month per app + infra fees) increases limits and adds premium support.
  • Enterprise: $3,900 per month (+ $499/month per app + infra fees) adds a dedicated server with auto-scaling.
  • Ultimate: $8,900/month (+ $499/month per app + infra fees) doubles the bandwidth and storage of the enterprise plan and adds your own CDN and unlimited API calls.
  • Black: this is a custom solution and includes everything in the Ultimate plan plus premium services and project management.

Muvi’s offers the ability to effectively monetize your content through their VOD services.

4. Uscreen

Uscreen vod platform
Uscreen supports VOD and live streaming.

Uscreen is a VOD platform that is powered by OTT technology. This platform is equipped with all of the tools that broadcasters need to host and deliver professional-grade video content.

Uscreen is primarily used for educational content, whether it be training videos for enterprises or online courses for schools.

Video Encoding:

Video Hosting and Library Organization:

  • Access to professional hosting tools
  • Advanced organization support
  • Video scheduling

Uploading / Migration:

  • Dropbox upload
  • Uploading more than 13 GB of video footage at one time is not recommended
  • Only supports upload via Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari

Video Monetization:

  • Pay-per-view monetization
  • Subscription-based monetization

API Access:

Uscreen supports API access but requires users to reach out for more information.

Security Features:

  • SSL
  • Full data ownership
  • 24/7 monitoring
  • Secure payment data


  • Complaints about hidden fees
  • Unreliable customers service
  • Some limits on the user interface
  • Some features require tech support that is not provided by Uscreen

Upload Guidelines and Specs:

  • Recommended dimensions: 1080p/2k or smaller
  • Supported aspect ratios: 
  • Maximum file size: 13 GB
  • Maximum video length: 
  • Total file storage: 3000, 7500, 7500+ minutes
  • Accepted video formats: MP4 (Recommended)


Uscreen has three different pricing plans for broadcasting. The pricing above reflects rates when billed monthly and include:

  • Basic:  $79/month + $0.50/subscriber
  • Growth: $159/month + $0.50/subscriber
  • Uscreenplus: Customizable plans for enterprise users with greater needs

Uscreen provides you with a secure and safe VOD player.

5. IBM Cloud Video

IBM VOD Platform
IBM Cloud Video offers powerful solutions for broadcasters with a wide range of budgets.

IBM Cloud Video is loaded with features that you need for creating a professional VOD platform.

As a massive corporation, IBM provides a sprawling video service. Their VOD solution, IBM Cloud Video, is packed with features. 

However, the expansive nature of the platform is a double-edged sword since it can be hard to navigate. 

IBM Cloud Video is an excellent platform for large organizations with expert broadcasters.

Video Encoding

  • Support for multi-bitrate streaming
  • Adaptive video player
  • Cloud encoding
  • Live transcoding

Video Hosting and Library Organization

  • VOD hosting and live streaming
  • Categories and subcategories for organization
  • Tags for further sub-organization
  • Hong Kong (China) video hosting
  • Custom metadata fields
  • Playlists

Uploading / Migration

  • Video library migration: available for an additional fee via professional services
  • Phone technical support is available

Video Monetization

  • Subscriptions (SVOD) 
  • Ad-integration available
  • Subscriber management tools

API and Security Features

  • Full video API included
  • SDKs for iOS and Android development

Security Features

  • Password-protected videos
  • AES encryption and/or DRM
  • Domain restrictions
  • IP restrictions
  • HTTPS delivery

IBM Limitations

  • No SSL secure paywall built-in (integration only)
  • Bulk upload tool and Dropbox upload are NOT included

Upload Guidelines and Specs

  • Minimum dimension: 480p (480 x 270)
  • Maximum dimension:  4K (3840 x 2160)
  • Aspect ratio: No published aspect ratio
  • Max file size: 4 GB
  • Max video length: No published limits
  • Total file storage: 1TB – 5TB (depends on plan)
  • Compatible video formats: MKV, MP4, MOV, FLV, AVI, WMV, MPEG2, H264, H263, MPEG4, VP6, VP8, THEORA, WMV, MP3, AAC-LC, NELLYMOSER, PCM, SPEEX, VORBIS, WMA


The pricing plans for the IBM Video Cloud include:

  • Silver – $99/month
  • Gold – $499/month
  • Platinum – $999/month
  • Custom Please contact IBM Cloud video for custom plan pricing.

If you are looking for one of the best VOD platforms, add IBM Video Cloud to your VOD platforms list to consider. They offer all the professional tools a business needs to control one’s content.

6. Kaltura

kaltura ott platform
Kaltura’s VOD hosting platform is equipped with the tools you need for a totally customizable experience.

Another large VOD hosting platform comes from Kaltura. Kaltura takes an entirely customized approach to video. Since it is customizable, the platform offers a lot of flexibility. 

Kaltura is best for enterprise businesses and other large organizations. Their prices are not published on their website, but users have reported that Kaltura’s software comes with a hefty price tag.

Video Encoding

  • Support for multiple bitrates
  • Adaptive video player: delivers best video quality automatically
  • Cloud encoding: simply and easily transcode videos into multiple bitrates.
  • Support for transcoding from unusual and proprietary codecs(e.g. GoToMeeting).

Video Hosting and Library Organization

  • VOD hosting and live streaming
  • Categories and subcategories for organization
  • Tags for further sub-organization
  • Playlists

Uploading / Migration

  • Bulk upload tool 
  • Custom XML/CSV upload tool supports offline metadata editing

Video Monetization

Kaltura only allows monetization with external integrations.

API Access

  • Full video API access
  • SDKs for iOS and Android development

Security Features

  • Password-protected videos
  • AES encryption and/or DRM
  • Domain restrictions
  • IP restrictions
  • HTTPS delivery

Kaltura Limitations

  • No SSL secure paywall built-in
  • No pay-per-view (TVOD), subscriptions (SVOD), or advertising (AVOD) support
  • Do dropbox upload or video library migration

Upload Guidelines and Specs

  • Minimum dimension: 180p (320 x 180)
  • Maximum dimension: 1080p (1920x 1080)
  • Aspect ratio: 16:9, 4:3
  • Max file size: 2GB
  • Max video length: Not available
  • Total file storage: 10GB to Unlimited (depends on the plan)
  • Compatible video formats: MOV, MP4


  • All plans: no pricing information available. As a result, users must negotiate all plans on a custom basis with Kaltura.

Kalture is made for businesses with education as their main focus.

7. Wistia

wistia vod platform
Wistia is a marketing-focused VOD hosting platform.

Wistia is a VOD-only platform that has a main focus on marketing. It includes some excellent and unique features, such as “heat maps” analytics. 

Since Wistia is a more specialized platform, it does not include all of the great features that are included with the other VOD platforms we’ve covered. It has quite a few limitations, and it may not be ideal for all users. 

Video Encoding

  • Support for multiple bitrates
  • Adaptive video player
  • Cloud encoding

Video Hosting and Library Organization

  • VOD hosting, but no live streaming
  • Categories and subcategories for organization
  • Tags for further sub-organization
  • Playlists
  • Powerful analytics tool with heat maps
  • Unique “project” organizational structure

Uploading / Migration

  • Bulk upload tool
  • Dropbox upload

Video Monetization

Wistia does not offer any native monetization features, but you can integrate external paywalls.

API Access

  • Full video API included

Security Features

  • Password-protected videos
  • Domain restrictions
  • HTTPS delivery

Wistia Limitations

  • No video library migration
  • No SSL secure paywall built-in
  • No monetization support
  • No SDKs for iOS and Android development
  • No AES encryption and/or DRM
  • No IP restrictions

Upload Guidelines and Specs

  • Minimum dimensions: None
  • Maximum dimensions: Maximum of 4K (3840 x 2160)
  • Supported aspect ratios: Any
  • Maximum file size: 8 GB
  • Maximum video length: 2 hours
  • Total file storage: Up to 10 videos with the pro plan ($99 per month), $0.25 per month for every extra video
  • Accepted video formats: MP4 (recommended format), .MOV, .AVI, .WMV, .FLV, .MKV, 3GPP


Wistia has five pricing plan tiers. 

  • Free: Free to use. Up to 250 subscribers and 3 videos. Cannot remove Wistia’s watermark from the video player.
  • Plus: $19/month billed annually. Everything in free plus 20 videos, 3 users and lead capture forms.
  • Pro: $19/month billed annually. Everything in plus with 50 videos, 5 users and video recordings.
  • Advanced: $319/month billed annually. Everything in pro plus 250 videos, 20 users and marketing integrations.
  • Custom: Custom pricing depending on your requirements. Everything in advanced plus 1,000 videos, unlimited users and marketing integrations.

If marketing is your focus with your video content, Wistia is a great VOD streaming service. 

8. Brightcove

Brightcove VOD platform
Brightcove is a powerful video hosting platform that is well-suited for enterprise use.

Boston-based Brightcove was founded in 2004. It is one of the oldest online video platforms offering cloud encoding, live streaming, and VOD (video-on-demand) hosting. 

Brightcove is another major player in the VOD platform-building game. It offers powerful solutions in custom-priced packages.

Users report the Brightcove platform as “robust” and “easy to use”. The platform includes essential features such as batch uploading and simplified management of large content libraries. The company also supports all revenue generation models for online video. 

Video Encoding

  • Multi-bitrate video player
  • Adaptive streaming

Video Hosting and Library Organization

  • Global video content delivery
  • Tech support, but only at a basic level with slow ticket-based responses 
  • Includes custom video portals
  • CRM integration available

Uploading / Migration

Video Monetization

Video monetization is only available with custom-priced plans.

API Access

  • Video API access with custom-priced plans

Security Features

  • Role-based access control
  • DRM and AES encryption
  • Geo and IP restrictions
  • Tokenized security
  • Domain restrictions
  • SSO

Brightcove Limitations 

  • High pricing
  • No China video delivery
  • Slow tech support

Upload Guidelines and Specs

  • Minimum dimension: Determined by user
  • Maximum dimension: Determined by user 
  • Aspect ratio: No restrictions (since Brightcove uses a responsive player)
  • Max file size: No limits on files size
  • Max video length: No published limits
  • Total file storage: Varies by plan
  • Compatible video formats: MP4, MOV, FLV, AVI, WMV, MKV, 3GPP


Since Brightcove mainly targets enterprise-level clients, they offer several custom-priced streaming plans at high price points.

The three Brightcove pricing tiers include:

  • Starter: includes 50 to 200 videos, up to 100,000 plays, and 2-5 users
  • Professional: unlimited videos, 100,000+ plays, and no overages play, with +10 users
  • Enterprise: unlimited videos, 100,000+ plays, and no overages play, with 10+ users, unlimited upload, and analytics-only users

Interested broadcasters can contact their sales department to receive a quote or sign up for a 30-day free trial. When you need something simple with complex tools, Brightcove is a good choice. 

9. Vidyard

Vidyard VOD platform
Vidyard is a marketing-focused VOD hosting platform.

This platform is known for its lead generation and engagement-centered features. Its most notable marketing tools are SEO, email capture, and advanced video analytics.

Video Encoding

Vidyard does not offer any special encoding or transcoding tools.

Video Hosting and Library Organization

  • Marketing tools for SEO, email, and analytics
  • Interactive viewing and lead capture tools
  • Video organization and channels
  • Reliable technical support

Uploading / Migration

  • Fast video upload
  • Upload widget for easy upload

Video Monetization

Vidyard does not offer video monetization.

API Access

  • Video API
  • Player API

Security Features

  • Password protection
  • SSO login

Vidyard Limitations

  • Mixed user reviews and consistency issues
  • Complicated backend editing portal
  • No monetization tools
  • No China video delivery

Upload Guidelines and Specs

  • Minimum dimension:  360p (480 x 360)
  • Maximum dimension:  4k (3840 x 2160)
  • Aspect ratio: 16:9, 4:3
  • Max file size:5GB to 16GB (depends on the plan)
  • Max video length: 1 hour (live stream)
  • Total file storage: Not available
  • Compatible video formats: WEBM, MP4, MKV, MOV


Vidyard pricing plans come in four tiers that are split into two categories: Individual and Teams. All plans are billed annually, and are priced as follows:

  • Free: Up to 25 videos. Video editing. Share by email, social media and more.
  • Pro: $19/month billed annually at $228 or monthly at $29. Everything from free plus unlimited videos, video insights and a call-to-action for your video.
  • Business: Custom plans with everything included from pro plus fully customizable CTAs, full video analytics and CRM/MAP integration.

Custom Video Solutions:

Vidyard is a great platform to capture customers’ emails and build up your email marketing list. If you want your videos to do more for you, Vidyard is a good option. 

10. JW Player

JWplayer VOD Platform
JW Player’s VOD hosting platform is a sophisticated set of tools with a video player that is open source.

JW Player’s video player was part of YouTube’s original video player technology. This platform has evolved to become one of the most well-established players in the VOD hosting game.

Video Encoding

  • Multi-bitrate streaming
  • Adaptive video player

Video Hosting and Library Organization

  • Global content delivery, except for China 
  • Tech support (limited to email support for cheaper plans)

Uploading / Migration

Video Monetization

  • Supports ad-based monetization (AVOD)

API Access 

  • Video API available with all plans

Security Features

  • Security features are basic but functional
  • Only custom-priced Enterprise plans offer DRM


  • Only supports AVOD
  • Limited tech support
  • No China video delivery

Upload Guidelines and Specs

  • Minimum dimension: 360p (640 x 360)
  • Maximum dimension: 1080p (1920 x 1080)
  • Aspect ratio: 16:9, 4:3, 2.39:1
  • Max file size: 25GB
  • Max video length: Not available
  • Total file storage: 25GB to 500GB (depends on the plan)
  • Compatible video formats: MP4, WMV, AVI, MOV, 3GP, FLV


JW Player has pricing plans which range from free to a non-commercial license paid with numerous benefits and features. 

Their pricing packages include:

  • Custom pricing: All the tools, workflows and analytics to build, run and grow a video-driven business. Contact JW Player for custom pricing tailored to your requirements.
  • 30-day free trial: JW Player offers a 30-day free trial. This includes full API & SDK access, non-commercial licensing, 25GB of hosting data and 75GB of streaming data.

For broadcasters wanting to work with a classic VOD hosting platform, JW Player is a good choice.

11. Wowza

Wowza VOD platform
Wowza offers a few different on-demand video hosting solutions.

Wowza is a multi-faceted VOD streaming platform that is rich in tools and features. This platform’s most notable feature is its customizable video player. This fosters an on-brand viewer experience.

Video Encoding

  • Built-in cloud transcoding
  • Adaptive bitrate streaming

Video Hosting and Library Organization

Uploading / Migration

The Wowza site does not present information on uploading and migration.

Video Monetization

Wowza does not support video monetization.

API Access

  • API access is available on all plans
  • SDKs for mobile streaming

Security Features

  • SSL
  • Tokenized-security
  • DRM
  • Source authentication


  • Lack of video monetization 
  • No video analytics tools

Upload Guidelines and Specs

  • Minimum dimension: 240p (320 x 240)
  • Maximum dimension: 4K (3840 x 2160) 
  • Aspect ratio: 16:9, 4:3
  • Max file size: Not available
  • Max video length: Not available
  • Total file storage: 250 GB (depends on the plan)
  • Compatible video formats: MP4, FLV, MP3, SMIL, AMLST, ID3, NGRP


Wowza recently overhauled its pricing plans and added several options. These are split into 2 main tiers: Streaming Cloud and Streaming Engine.

The Wowza Streaming Cloud offers four distinct pricing plans and services. Live Event Pricing, monthly plans include:

  • Basic: $99/month; includes 20 hours of live streaming and 1000 viewing hours based on video resolution of 720p
  • One Month Event: $149 one-time purchase; includes 20 hours of live streaming and 1000 viewing hours also at 720p
  • Plus: $499/month; includes 150 hours of live streaming and 7000 viewing hours based on video resolution of 720p
  • Pay as you go: $29/month; three-month minimum with additional fees for usage

All the Live Event plans reflect rates when paid monthly and include full brand control, multi-bitrate streaming, and HD and UHD streaming.

The Wowza Streaming Engine has its own pricing plans. These professional-grade streaming plans are billed annually and include:

  • Basic: $175/month + $195/month for each additional instance and $125/month for each additional prepaid instance
  • One Month Event: $295/month + $295/month for each additional instance and $95/month for each additional prepaid instance
  • Enterprise: Please contact Wowza directly for access to their custom-tailored high volume enterprise solutions

If making money with your content isn’t your focus, then Wowza is a great on demand video hosting service to work with. Great for businesses that want to maximize exposure and organic reach.

12. Vimeo

Vimeo VOD Platform
Vimeo on-demand video hosting is one of its many professional solutions.

Vimeo originated as a consumer-grade video platform like YouTube, but it has since shifted to serve professional broadcasters. Vimeo OTT is one of their premium solutions that is equipped with the tools that businesses need to build an online streaming platform.

This solution is specifically geared towards creating a site like Netflix that sells streaming as a service. Check out Vimeo On-Demand, a pay-per-view streaming service Vimeo powered by Vimeo’s OTT technology. This will give you a good idea of how the tool works in action.

Video Encoding

Vimeo OTT’s webpage does not provide any information on encoding or transcoding features.

Video Hosting and Library Organization

  • Built for scalability
  • Advanced video analytics
  • Auto-archiving of live streams
  • Reliable customer support

Uploading / Migration

  • “No-downtime” migration

Video Monetization

  • Subscriptions
  • Advertising
  • Pay-per-view 

API Access

  • Tools for app development
  • Access to easy API

Security Features

Vimeo OTT’s webpage does not provide any information on privacy or security features.


  • Video security is not listed as a feature

Upload Guidelines and Specs

  • Recommended dimension: 720p (1280 x 720)
  • Aspect ratio: 16:9, 4:3
  • Max file size: 3GB
  • Max video length: Information not available 
  • Total file storage: Information not available
  • Compatible video formats: MP4 (recommended)


Vimeo offers basic video hosting plans that are suitable for content creators and startups. These include:

  • Basic: 30-day free trial
  • Plus: $7/month; 5GB/week or 250GB every year; Single user; Brand customization and privacy tools
  • Pro: $20/month; 20GB/week or 1TB every year; 3 users; collaboration tools and video showcase sites
  • Premium: $75/month; Unlimited live streaming with 7TB of storage; unlimited viewers
  • Enterprise: Custom-priced, custom-built plans for advanced streaming needs

All plans are billed annually. The Plus plan can be billed monthly at an increased rate of $12/month.

Vimeo is great if you want to maximize the usage of your content by turning your live streams into VOD content. 

13. YouTube

Youtube VOD platform
YouTube is among the most popular VOD streaming platforms.

YouTube is a consumer-grade/social VOD platform that was one of the first sites to popularize online video streaming. It has grown exponentially since it was launched in 2005 and has since been acquired by Google.

While this platform is mainly used by consumers, some startups and small businesses opt to use it if they work with a lower budget. Since it is free, it provides a great way to get into online streaming without taking on much financial risk.

It is worth noting that YouTube’s limitations on monetization and other professional tools can be a bit of an inconvenience for businesses. Additionally, the YouTube platform requires that broadcasters give up partial ownership of their content when they upload it to the platform, which may make it less than ideal for some organizations.

Video Encoding:

YouTube does not have any native encoding tools.

Video Hosting and Library Organization:

  • Very basic video hosting tools
  • “YouTube Studio” for basic content organization and management

Uploading / Migration:

  • Simple upload
  • Can upload multiple videos at once

Video Monetization:

  • Ad-based monetization
  • Strict limits on who can and cannot monetize their content

API Access:

YouTube offers Data API access

Security Features:

  • No real security features
  • “Unlisted” videos are as close as it gets to privacy features


  • No white-label streaming
  • Cannot remove ads
  • Content and copyright restrictions 
  • Google owns partial rights to your content

Upload Guidelines and Specs:

  • Minimum dimension: 240p (426 x 240)
  • Maximum dimension: 4K (3840 x 2160)
  • Aspect ratio: 16:9 (adds padding to videos with other aspect ratios)
  • Max file size: 128 GB
  • Max video length: 12 hours
  • Total file storage: No storage limit
  • Compatible video formats: MP4, MOV, MPEG4, FLV, AVI, Web M, WMV, MPEG-PS, 3GPP


 YouTube is free to use.

YouTube is great if you want a free solution that has the potential to reach a big audience; however, it doesn’t offer the control over your content that many businesses want. 

14. Dailymotion

DailyMotion VOD Platform
Dailymotion is a French video-sharing platform that enables you to record a live stream and create a video out of it.

Dailymotion is another consumer-grade VOD streaming platform that is similar to YouTube. The main advantage of streaming with Dailymotion over YouTube is that Dailymotion doesn’t really enforce any content restrictions.

That said, the purpose of Dailymotion is essentially the same as YouTube. It is a basic platform for amateur broadcasters to upload and host on-demand video content.

Since this site is free, it doesn’t have much to offer in terms of professional hosting tools.

Video Encoding:

  • No built-in encoding tools
  • Works with any encoder

Video Hosting and Library Organization:

Dailymotion doesn’t offer any notable video hosting or library organization tools.

Uploading / Migration:

Video Monetization:

  • Monetization is available for Dailymotion partners
  • Must have 10,000 views to start monetizing content
  • Cannot cashout under $100

API Access:

Reporting API is available for Dailymotion Partners.

Security Features:


  • Less popular than YouTube
  • Monetization tools are limited
  • Limited video analytics

Upload Guidelines and Specs:

  • Minimum dimension: 240p (426 x 240)
  • Maximum dimension: 4K (3840 x 2160)
  • Aspect ratio: 16:9 (adds padding to videos with other aspect ratios)
  • Max file size: 128GB
  • Max video length: 12 hours
  • Total file storage: Unlimited
  • Compatible video formats: MOV, MPEG4, MP4, AVI, WMV,  MPEG-PS, FLV, 3GPP, WebM


Dailymotion is free to use.

If you want a quick way to host VOD content online, Dailymotion has you covered. 

15. Facebook Watch

Facebook watch VOD platform
Facebook Watch is a live-streaming social media platform with VOD capabilities.

Facebook Live supports VOD streaming through a feature called “Facebook Watch.” Users must create a free Facebook Page (not a personal profile) to access this capability.

Since this platform is free, it is most popular among small businesses and organizations that are just getting into online video streaming. Facebook poses some streaming limitation challenges related to video ownership, limits on video length, monetization, and more.

Aside from those limitations, hosting and sharing VOD content through Facebook helps users connect with existing audiences. 

Video Encoding:

Facebook does not support any sort of video encoding, and you can stream to Facebook through their app without encoding support. However, many encoders and simulcasting tools work seamlessly with Facebook if you have advanced streaming needs.

Video Hosting and Library Organization:

  • Automatic organization by date
  • Drag and drop for reorganization 

Uploading / Migration:

Facebook supports easy video upload.

Video Monetization:

Facebook offers limited ad-based monetization.

API Access:

Facebook does not provide API access for customization.

Security Features:

Facebook doesn’t offer much in the way of privacy or security on public Pages.


  • Limited monetization options
  • Time constraints on live videos
  • No white-label streaming

Upload Guidelines and Specs:

  • Minimum dimension: 720p (1280×720) 
  • Maximum dimension: 1080p (1920×1080)
  • Aspect ratio: 16:9, 9:16, 2:3, 4:5, 1:1
  • Max file size: 4 GB
  • Max video length: 90 minutes
  • Total file storage: No storage limit
  • Compatible video formats: MP4, MOV, MPEG4, AVI, 3GPP, WMV, FLV, MKV


Facebook is free to use.

Facebook allows access to a vast audience but doesn’t offer professional VOD platform features. 

How to Select the Right VOD Platform For You?

There are so many great VOD hosting platform options for you to choose from on the market today. Each of these video-on-demand platform providers offers different features and price plans. Here are some of the main factors to think about before deciding on a VOD platform for yourself:

  • Your target audience
  • The type of content you want to deliver
  • The level of privacy and security you need
  • The monetization methods you want to use

Basing your choice of VOD platform on these factors can help you not only reach your broadcasting goals but also surpassing them.


Having the right platform to back you up through your journey as a content creator and broadcaster can make all the difference. Thankfully, you don’t have to look too far to find a VOD platform that lends you that support and helps you project your content worldwide.

No matter where you are in your broadcasting journey, we recommend taking advantage of Dacast’s 14-day free trial to get a better feel for all of the amazing features.

When you’re ready, just click the button below to sign up and check it out.

Get Started For Free

Finally, are you considering using pro hosting solutions for the first time? Alternatively, have you been using the technology already? Let us know in the chat below! We love to hear from our readers. And we’ll do our best to respond to every response. And for exclusive offers and live streaming tips, you can join our LinkedIn group.

Max Wilbert

Max Wilbert is a passionate writer, live streaming practitioner, and has strong expertise in the video streaming industry.